4 Reasons to consider using a specialist partner for your non-clinical roles.
by Tanya Dicks | Dec 18, 2018
- You can expect a tailored search for what you are looking for whether it’s a front of house, excellent team player to promote the best possible customer service, or a fantastic Practice Manager that has management experience and is passionate about people and leading your team in the right direction!
- Variety of job boards to get you the best shortlist of quality candidates. Let’s cast the net as wide as possible for you. We don’t just use one job board, we use multiple paid boards. Your role is too special to put in one place!
- Experience and insights into other practices successes and what works for them. We work with a variety of wonderful practices, so if you are looking for new ideas/solutions to problems – let us help and guide you.
- Reasonable fees and rebates to protect the practice for when things do/don’t work out. Its not just another placement to us, we take pride in the great relationships we have with our clients and we always look to act with integrity and transparency to ensure that they are for the long term!